As you can see from the pictures, Duncan, is still very much in recovery mode. He spends a great deal of his time lounging or sleeping, giving him plenty of time to heal. His respiratory infection is still hanging on so it will be a little while yet before we start his heartworm treatment but the good news is he gained 6lbs in the last 4 weeks. Way to go Duncan!! He still could use at least another 6lbs or more but hey, that's progress. He still can be a bit of a finicky eater but apparently he is eating enough to boost his weight.
He is such a joy to have around. He is a really easy dog. He has/had two minor flaws, one, he thought marking indoors was fair game when he first got here, but he quickly learned that was only appropriate outside and hasn't marked in the house for over a week. He even held back when we had another male dog stay with us for a week. His other issue is his lack of enthusiasm for his crate. He will willingly go in to the crate on his own and is actually pretty good about being locked in it when we are home with him but he barks if left home alone in his crate. Easy fix, we just let him have free reign of the house and he hasn't disturbed a thing. I will work on crate training him once food becomes more of a motivator for him and I can leave him with a kong in his crate but in reality he doesn't really need a crate.
He isn't allowed to go to the dog park (because of his bedrest restrictions) but he has had the opportunity to meet at least 5 dogs while he has been here with me and has done really well with them. He does seem to be top dog but is not at all pushy, he just has a very stoic way about him and other dogs seem to immediately pick up on that and leave him to rule the roost. Case in point, Duncan stayed at my parents house with me this past weekend. My parents have an off the wall hyper 9mo old bischon puppy. Normally little Beans (the bischon pup) will not sit still for a second but with Duncan their he miraculously turned in to a calm dog. Duncan never did any growling or any correction of any sort but Beans could read by the way Duncan carries himself, in his calm-assertive manner, that Duncan was the law and little Beans walked instead of ran and laid down instead of jumping up on every living thing and my mom was floored. We nick-named Duncan the "Regulator" he really helped Beans become a balanced dog, even if it was only for the short time that Duncan was in his house. My mom told me later that Beans seemed very upset after Duncan left. Duncan is a very special boy and anyone would be very lucky to have him as a member of their family.
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