How is Duncan with Kids?
I have only had Duncan around children that we have passed on walks, I don't have any kids of my own, but he seemed fine with the children on his walks. He is not jumpy or hyper so he would not knock over little kids, and he has no qualms with me manipulating his body, I can pull his hair and tail, push him, poke at his face and he just wags his tail. :) So even though I have no direct experience with him living with kids I think he would do fine.
How is Duncan with cats?
I don't have any cats but Duncan has been in my downstairs neighbor's house with their cat, and he just ignored it and cuddled on the couch with people instead. I am not sure how he would react to a cat that liked to initiate contact. Given his happy-go-lucky attitude I would assume he would not be mean but I don't know that he would want to play, he would probably just walk away.
Does Duncan like to go on Furniture?
Duncan could learn to accept not going on furniture, but he lives for being as close to people as possible and if you are on the furniture he loves to come squish up next to you, or rather, on you, so maybe you could make an exception for him????
How is Duncan with fences?
When Duncan first arrived at my house he tried to jump, climb, and dig under the fence. I only corrected him verbally a few times and after the first couple days he has never tried again, but I still do not leave him in the yard unattended. I think a 5ft fence would be a minimum for him and he would have to be supervised in the yard for sometime before he could be deemed safe to be left in the yard alone for any period of time.
How does Duncan do on leash?
For the time being he walks like an angel on leash but we'll see if he maintains that once he is feeling better, so an easy walk harness or a gentle leader may come in handy later on.
Is Duncan crate trained?
Currently Duncan will go in to his crate willingly to sleep at night, but we don't lock him in, he is ok being locked in if he can still see you, but will bark and cry for hours if left crated alone while you are away. That being said, Duncan does fine with free roam of the house, no crate needed. He had free roam for the weeks leading up to his HW treatment and never disturbed a thing, since his HW treatment he is on bed rest, litterally, I leave him locked in my bedroom on my bed, and he has never made a fuss about staying shut in their all day and never disturbed anything in there either.
How Does Duncan respond to correction?
Duncan needs a soft-handed trainer. On the few occasions I have had to correct him, a simple "Duncan, Ah-Ah," is enough to send him cowering to the ground. So a light verbal correction is all this boy needs to mind his manners.
How Trainable is Duncan?
To be honest I haven't spent any time formally training him because he really doesn't need it. He walks nice, doesn't get in the way at home, doesn't get in to anything, doesn't bark, doesn't really do any undesirable things so I just let him be. If you are looking for a dog that will learn shake, roll over, and sit-pretty this probably isn't the guy for you, but he will be well behaved regardless. The only thing he needs to work on is not barging out of doors in front of people....and we are making progress on this with a "wait" (at the door) command.
How old is Duncan?
Because he was a stray his age is a mystery. He acts like a fairly young dog but his teeth say otherwise. His teeth are very worn and discolored. I am guessing that his former life was harder on his teeth than normal, and his teeth are worn beyond their years. My guess at his age is 4-7 years old, but it truly is a guess.
Here's Deb's update on how Duncan is doing:
Duncan`s appetite is better this afternoon got about 800 calories of people food into him.In small amounts. He seems happy to be fed by hand the good stuff.He doesn`t seem to want Puppy Chow with wet food right now. I just want it to be as easy as possible for him to eat ,his nose ( and mine ) is so congested ..poor baby is coughing like crazy. He is a true southern gentleman, he is not spitting every where!!! He shallows it so I`m sure that is why he doesn`t feel like eating. Very common with people also when they have drainage that runs down. What I see on occasion run out is either clear or white. He is drinking good and sniffs around outside when we go out. He is affectionate. His eyes are clear no green drainage.He has only pooped one time since he has been here.. big but only one.. He has not had any vomiting. He stool is loose from eating canned and different food than he is used to to but he does not have diarrhea. I think he knows now that I know he is sick and he is trusting that he will be handled gently.
He is crate trained.. no issues there. He is easy to walk on a leash. Just a very wonderful dog. I didn`t know anything about him until Delana called me when he was HW pos and sick. I said I would take him to get him out of the shelter.. if we didn`t have 7 dogs I would be begging you to let me keep this guy.. I would pay you to keep him, he is that sweet. You are going to love him and so is the family that finally gets him. You couldn`t ask for a more beautiful boy either. Deb